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*addiction, trauma, depression, anxiety, ancestral karma ....

This is a informational website for Australians and New Zealanders looking for authentic, safe and reliable  Ibogaine treatment.

We are affiliated with iBogaine Thailand

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Dandelion Parachute Seed

“Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength”

Sigmund Freud

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About Us

In Australia, ibogaine is classified as a schedule 4 drug, meaning it can't be imported or administered without a license granted by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). Currently Australians will need to travel to overseas to seek ibogaine treatment; with Thailand being the closest proximity to Australia and where ibogaine treatment does not have any legal implications.

Since our inception in 2015, Ibogaine Thailand has been helping people break free from their traumatic past, overcome their addictions and reconnect with their inner selves- and we can help you as well! 

We pride ourselves on client comfort, safety, security & privacy. Therefore our clients will need to go through a mandatory screening process involving both medical and psychological testing prior to ibogaine treatment acceptance. Because of our approach to safety and risk reduction, we have not had a single incident regarding client safety.

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Dandelion Parachute Seed

iBogaine for Spiritual Development

Spiritual Healing : Happier, Healthier You

Do you have a burning desire to connect with your true self (soul) and discover your life’s purpose?  A Ibogaine treatment is also about finding yourself again, after you have lost your way.

A ibogaine experience is a mind-body- spirit cleanse, resulting in the shedding of deep rooted physical and emotional toxicity. It has the unique ability to open an opportunity for change, partly due to the long-lastings effects which are stored in the fatty tissue for three months or more post treatment. 

Our Ibogaine journeys are medically-supervised and are lead by shamanically-trained medicine men and women. We are conveniently located in the beautiful tranquil mountains in Northern Thailand. (Less than an hour from Chiang Mai Airport)

Two Dried Leaves

iBogaine For Addiction Detox

New Beginings: A Fresh Start

iBogaine interrupts a wide range of substance use addictions from heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, alcohol, synthetic marijuana /spice/chemical. iBogaine is far from a cure. It is, however, an very effective vehicle to detoxify a person. It interrupts the majority of withdrawal symptoms normally experienced by substance abuse. What ibogaine does is to place the disease of addiction in remission. There is nothing else like this offered to the Australian community; there is a dire need for effective addiction treatment. 

Post Ibogaine treatment the brain is reset and is in a highly neuroplastic state, which basically means the brain is waiting for you to show what your new life will look like. If you were to go back to the same place and do the same things, hang out with the same drug taking friends, eat the same rubbish fast food, then you will be signalling your brain that things are going to be the same. An ibogaine treatment provides the window of opportunity to enact the long lasting changes in your life.

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One ibogaine offers many benefits, including the following:

Calm Sea

Ibogaine as a powerful anti-depressant

Noribogaine, the main component in Ibogaine, elevates the concentrations of the brain’s serotonin levels. Opiate-dependent patients notice a catering off effect when starting to use Noribogaine, even in cases where patients abruptly stop using opiates. This tapering is most often self-tapering as patients want the opiates less and less.
the important benefits or key advantages.

Dandelion Parachute Seed

Personal development and spiritual growth

Ibogaine has the power to help individuals find a greater sense of purpose, heightened spirituality, and connection. Its ability to activate long-term memories while retrieving information from the unconscious, which together yields deep insights, and essentially allows the participant to merge his or her conscious and subconscious mind, coming into a state of greater awareness and understanding of life and personal history.

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Powerful treatment for drug addiction

ibogaine addresses addictions by identifying the underlying root causes of one's addiction. When taken, ibogaine induces states of mental introspection as it occupies the areas of the brain responsible for thought and fantasy production. The results of this process serve to eliminate cravings and withdrawal symptoms by rewiring the neural composition of an individual. The ultimate goal of the treatment is to get you completely off any addictive substances and make way for a new beginning in life.

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You Ask - I Answer

What is ibogaine?

iBogaine is a naturally occurring medication obtained from the root bark of the shrub Tabernanthe Iboga. This shrub grows in Gabon and other Central West African countries. The iBogaine root bark has been used in these countries for hundreds to thousands of years during the ritualistic ceremonies of the Bwiti religion. It has long been used in shamanic rituals of initiation and spiritual quests.

iBogaine displays anti-addictive properties, interrupting the symptoms of the drug withdrawal syndrome and eliminating drug craving – allowing an addict to detoxify with no withdrawal symptoms. iBogaine is an addiction interrupter that also resets the brain’s neurotransmitters functions to a pre-addictive state. With the help of this natural extract, addicts experience symptom-free withdrawal, a true full physiological release from chemical dependency.With a very specific type of counseling by the iBoga spirit during and following iBogaine treatment, the “ex-addicts” are able to focus on underlying causes to heal the psychological aspects as well.

How long does each therapy session take?

Our treatment is all-inclusive residence, and your stay will typically last for one week (5 days). Treatment is individualised according to the personal circumstances. No retreats style!

In cases where a patient is heavily dependent upon narcotic analgesics such as Oxycontin, or heroin; this may affect treatment-duration and make a slightly-longer stay necessary. We only do customised IBogaine program tailored to each person’s specific needs specifically.

Our treatment program are tailored specifically to meet the needs of each guest, and we offer different programs at different costs. Everyone’s needs are unique, so we require that potential guests provide us their background prior to receiving a quote. Please send us a message through our contact page.

Who can I contact if I have further questions?

If you have a question or want to know more about our treatment programs, please email us at

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Contact Us

We love helping our clients to develop the tools they need to cope with all of life’s challenges. Contact us today to learn more how we can help you.

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©2019 by iBogaine Australia.

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